Tuesday, October 19, 2004

With love we will survive...

The title of this blog is a line from Flickerstick. I will be going to see them the weekend after Sing! How excited am I? Oh, very!

I am not going to write tomorrow because there are a million and one things going on (and tomorrow will be my first time to go to church choir practice-- it feels like I am back in high school) especially with Sing sneaking up on me. I cannot believe it is next weekend! Rehearsals are going well, but with Fall Break we cannot meet again until Sunday night at 10pm. It's getting crazy. We have to be up at the school every night next week from 6-11; I am not looking forward to that. I am looking forward to sitting in the audience and getting to watch for the first time ever. I am also excited about Marjorie, Carolyn, David, and other alumni coming in! Homecoming weekend is always incredible!

Today I got all flustered in a conversation between a professor, two computer nerds, and me. (Sounds like the beginning to a bad joke doesn't it? So there was this professor...two nerds..and....) We were talking about literature and technology. I am not so much an advocate for technology when it applies to literature; I like to have a hardback book in my hands...something tangible. They were all like, "Well, within the next thirty years most books will not even go through the publishing process, they will be E-books...blah blah blah." The idea of my children not holding a book, but rather getting online scares me. I remember the thrill of a new book-- going to Scholastic book fairs, the way a new books smells-- it becomes like an old friend that you can take off the shelf and flip through anytime. Well, I got off on this soap box, if you will, and I got all flabbergasted. There were several occasions where I couldn't get words out...just inarticulate sounds. My teacher just started whimsically waving her hands and she said, "Melia, Melia...use your words." Hearing her say that made me laugh so hard! It is a running joke between me and my friend Cara, whom I haven't talked to in a while; I hope she's doing well.:) Mrs. Kendrick can always make me laugh! I think I got my point across to the two computer nerds, but I don't think they will ever understand. Really, we are on polar opposite sides. Their careers depend on the growth of technology. Mine thrives on the past, really. I don't think either career will ever be made obsolete-- at least that's what I am hoping, because we all know that mine would be the first to go!

So, tonight I am having dinner at Chili's with Ashley and Shannon. Ashley's husband Toby has been out of town (except on the weekends) for a few weeks now, so during the week we like to get together and hang out. We were going to attempt to cook, but that would just be a waste of time and the food would not equal her husband's cuisine. Who are we kidding? The quality of the food at Chili's doesn't hold a candle to her husband's fabulous meals. Tonight we are watching a movie, which should be a great way to escape the pressure of stacks of homework waiting a home. On second thought, maybe I should stay home and do my homework. No, no...what am I thinking?!

One exciting project going on right now, that is taking me away from my school work is: I am looking into different PhD programs and weighing my options. Right now I am looking at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Texas A&M, Baylor, and the University of Washington. If you know of any good programs, let me know. I am not sure that this is the route I want to take, but I have been thinking about it more and more recently.

Anyway, I will post again on Thursday afternoon, before I hit the road to meet Emily! I hope you all have a terrific week! Over and out.

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