Sunday, October 03, 2004

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...

It's 4:30pm on a Sunday and where am I? Sitting in the library, of course. I have given up for the day on having any original thoughts to add to my autobiography project, so I thought I might at well write something.

I woke up this morning with one thought lodged in my mind. Kind of an obscure idea, but for some reason, I thought I would share. Did you know that even if you have bad vision, when you go scuba diving the instructors will tell you not to bother with prescription goggles or contacts. Interesting, isn' it? I have been told that even if you can't make it around the house without putting your contacts in or your glasses on, there is no need for them while diving. When you are underwater everything is clear. The water is not murky. The fish are not blurry. You can make out the ridges of the coral without corrective lenses. At four o'clock this morning, I sat up in bed and had this completely strange and nonsensical idea: Maybe if I went scuba diving into the deepest depths of the ocean, things would become so clear that, like when looking through goggles with the worst vision and things stand out perfectly, I could look into a mirror at myself, full of confusion, and I would suddenly make sense. All of my thoughts, though murky, would become clear. Nothing would be blurry. Everything would be black and white, not gray. one will probably understand what I am trying to convey. I have done a poor job of getting this idea across. I am just intrigued by the idea that when under water, we are no longer constrained by the physical disability of poor sight, and we can actually see things for what they really are. Maybe we should build a 200 foot concrete wall around the United States, fill the whole thing with water, give everyone scuba gear, and maybe we would begin to truly see each other. Maybe things would make more sense. Probably not.

Well, nothing else to say right now. With the weather like it is, I really just want to curl up in baggy pajamas with a good movie. I really want to take a long nap. I really want to make chocolate chip pancakes and have a pillow fight. Well, the last thing was just a random thought, but it could be fun with the right people...if they didn't hit too hard. I am kind of a wuss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Humm...But, If we could really see others, would we like what we saw. And what if everyone could see us exactly as we are inside? Would we want everyone to know the "real us" whatever that may be? Maybe its better that just a select few really know us. Something to think about. Anyway, here is my comment as promised. I couldn't pick a favorite entry so I just posted to the last one. Reading your writing gave me a thought... when you publish your first book, I want a signed copy! Love, Your friend who also sees in gray, Keren.