A Vespa. I think I would like this color, but maybe red. I would save gas money and I would feel retro. Isn't it cool? I think I may buy one to ride to school when I live in the Metroplex, depending on how far the school I teach at is from my house.
A Pottery Barn leather chair, because everyone needs a good chair. Isn't it beautiful? Someday... quite some time from now...it will be mine.
An Apple iBook G4 so I can write and access the Internet from the coffee shops around town. This is something I will be purchasing in (hopefully) the near future.
I have to have the iPod to go with my iBook. iPods are awesome! No need to carry a million CD's in your car; you just toss this in and go! You could drive for 10,000 songs without hearing the same song twice. I think you would wind up in Argentina.
All of the top professors in the HSU English Department have motorcycles, so there must be something alluring about them and I want to figure it out. Wouldn't it be exciting to have a motorcycle? Maybe I could get a date!
Dream car number one of two. Seeing this car on the road most certainly turns my head. Isn't it beautiful?
Yes, this is a 50'' plasma screen television. Wouldn't that look incredible setting in front of my Pottery Barn leather chair? I like to think so.
And last but certainly not least, the Mercedes Kompressor. I once had the opportunity to drive a Kompressor and I fell in love within the first 15 seconds. Stare at this photo for a few seconds and you will fall in love too.
Okay, this is my materialistic-if-I-could-afford-anything-in-this-world kick. It's fun to dream big and shoot for the moon. Maybe someday I will rope it and have a few of these things, who knows. My actual Christmas list is just a few things: DVD's, books, etc. I am just looking forward to the break and being able to spend quality time with my family and friends without the worries of school.
What would be on your over-the-top Christmas list?
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