This past weekend, after Thanksgiving, Grant came in town to visit. I was so very glad to see him on my doorstep, just like old times. When we got back together it seemed just like no time had passed since this summer, only it was freezing cold. He came in on Saturday afternoon and we spent the afternoon eating good food at Texas Roadhouse and doing some serious geocaching, which I miss desperately since he moved out. Saturday night we ate dinner at Rosa's and rented Cold Mountain, which we thoroughly enjoyed. He made my favorite drink, BBC's, and since I hadn't had one in months I loved it that much more. It was wonderful just to sit and talk with him, catching up on his life, and planning our snowboarding trip this January. Sunday morning we got up and went to Jack n' Jill's for coffee and doughnuts and then got ready for my mom's birthday lunch at Abuelo's. At lunch, Grant sat next to my Uncle David and they talked about "guy stuff" the entire time, so I was kind of out of the loop, however my ears perked up when they started talking about shotguns because I am going target shooting with David over Christmas and I am excited about that! After lunch, Grant and I made a stop by the Ford dealership because we wanted to check out the beauty that is the new Mustang. Oh my goodness. I don't typically like American made cars, but the 2005 model has the body style of the 1969ish model, so it is absolutely fabulous. We stood out in the cold circling the car until I couldn't take the teeth-chattering anymore and we went back to the apartment. I miss that guy, and I am so excited about spending a week with him this winter! Hmm...maybe I should include a photo of the new Mustang. I am bored at work, so I think I will. The new Mustang GT is truly incredible!
Okay, on to the bigger and better. I turned in my final research paper today and now all I have is finals and I am finished for the semester. Finals will not be a big deal, so basically it's just graduation parties and dinner parties and Christmas parties and birthday parties...a lot of parties. That also means a lot of presents. Maybe I should get started on that. Tonight I need to do some shopping for decorations since we are having a graduation party for Kim and Danielle tomorrow night. I cannot believe they are leaving; it's kind of surreal. I walked in their room last night, covered from wall to wall in boxes and my heart just sank. I know I am going to miss them so much. No two girls make me laugh like those girls, and they are two of my very best friends. It reminds me of the lyrics to a Caedmon's Call song, "So you're gone, but I know you're not so far away. You're a call on the phone or a ride in a plane, but that just isn't the same." It isn't the same. I will never live with two of my best friends again, but what a blessing that I even had the opportunity to live with them for so long. God is good and He has provided me with such a terrific group of friends to lean on that provide me with support and love, but still...Kimberly and Danielle will be missed.
Now, on the music simply must check out Rachael Yamagata's album 'Happenstance'. I have been listening to it quite a bit recently, and I love her. Her song 'Worn Me Down' was on the O.C. last week, so you know she's up and coming. My favorite song is called 'Be, Be Your Love'. I am going to post the lyrics. Okay, I need to go read now. I hope you all have a terrific weekend!
P.S. Remember to pray for the troops. I talked to my friend Mike today and it was a reminder that it is easy to forget as we sit in school and hang out with our friends that the troops are in Iraq fighting a war, a very real war. Sometimes I just need a reality check, because it is so easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of everyday life and forget the people risking their lives for our country.
"Be Be Your Love"
If I could take you away
Pretend I was queen
What would you say
Would you think I'm unreal
'Cause everybody's got their way I should feel
Everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love for real
Want to be your everything
Everything's falling, and I am included in that
Oh, how I try to be just okay
Yeah, but all I ever really wanted
Was a little piece of you
And everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love for real
Everything will be alright
If you just stay the night
Please, sir, don't you walk away, don't you walk away, don't you walk away
Please, sir, don't you walk away, don't you walk away, don't you walk away
And everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love for real
And everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love, for real
Everybody's talking how I can't, can't be your love
But I want, want, want to be your love
Want to be your love for real
I want to be your love, love, love
hey, blog surfing and found your blog...very cool. I checked out The Liar's Club on Amazon (am always looking for book recs) and I think I'm going to order it. Thanks!!!
Melia, being a bum sounds good to me! Where do I sign up....
Love ya, Keren
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