Before Flickerstick came on stage, we asked a woman in front of us to take this photo. Luckily she was not intoxicated...yet. Before the concert we ate at Campisi's. The place is owned by the Mafia. Our waiter was shifty so I gave him a sideways look. He should be here any minute with his men. As you can see, I gave Emily my jean jacket so if they did come during the concert, the Mafia men would mistake her for me and I could run away, quick like a cat. I still think it's an ingenious plan. I should have left the jacket with her in Ft. Worth. They probably placed a tracking device in the pocket. I am going to go check it in a minute. What would a tracking device look like, I wonder?
This is a photo of my band, "Lady Liberty's Chones". I am the one on the far right. That's Emily on the bass. Kris on the drums. Kim's the lead singer. No, no...this is Flickerstick. During this part of the concert, we were "rockin' and rollin' and what-not", in the words of the great John Travolta.
We were all delusional and exhausted when we left the concert. I think at one point we actually watched the concert like this. Every time I look at this photo I think of the Batman theme song. This was taken in the theatre parking lot right before we got in Kris' truck. For some reason, at 2am, this pose made perfect sense. In still makes perfect sense.
We had an awesome time last weekend. I ate very well and did a lot of random and fun things. Ate downtown. Stayed up until 3am playing guitars and singing duets with Emily. Watched my fair share of VH1 classic hit videos. Ate a lot of donuts. Bought a cool nail file. Ate at a Mafia owned Italian restaurant. Saw an awesome band. Received some great CD's. I need to go to the Metroplex more; look at all it has to offer.
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