Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Say goodnight and go...

Not much to report.

School began this week and if I tie up all of my loose ends it will be my final semester here. Miles just started classes at HSU and that is awesome! I love seeing him around campus. I am thinking that one day I will run into my mother and brother on campus. Why, it would be like a family reunion! Eww...That's kind of sad. I should be gone by now. I really feel like I have been here forever.

This weekend Core 47 is playing at The Back Room. You know how much I love them! The only disappointing thing is that Grant will not be here. His dad had a heart attack last week (continue praying for his health) and is thankfully back at home now, so Grant is going to Waco instead to help his mother with some things around the house. What a good guy. I will still miss him sharing in the Core 47 experience with me. Oh well...we always have Weezer, baby! Oh, September is going to be a good month!

Rehearsals are in full swing. I am excited about the play. Last night I started laughing in the middle of a scene, so tonight my goal is to make it through without breaking character. I have never worried about breaking character before, but this play, even after I have heard the lines a million times, still makes me laugh out loud.

Okay, well...that's about it for today's entry. I am going to grab a bite to eat with Peets before rehearsal. I hope you are all having a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strangely I do like the song "say goodnight and go", and a few others by Imogen Heap such as "Useless" and "Hide and seek". I not sure what that means but I have been know to rock out to chick band as you would know. See you soon.