Saturday, August 27, 2005

Observations upon visiting my local Walmart...

as to why foreigners have every right to hate Americans.

I will only touch on one reason in this post, but if you want to know more I can most definitely list them for you.

Yesterday, for some unknown reason, I decided that it would be a good idea to visit the new Super Walmart built fairly close to where I am now living. As I pulled into the parking lot, I realized that every aisle was backed up because five or six cars were waiting for people that were still loading things into their minivans to get into their automobiles, start them up, check their rearview mirrors, and back out so that the first greedy car full of completely healthy twenty year olds (I am not denying that I have been one of these said twenty year olds in the past) could have a space that was 25 yards from the door instead of parking in the first empty space that was at most 75 yards from the entrance. I parked my car in the last spot at the end of one of the aisles and I couldn't help my bitterness as I passed by the six cars waiting and hoping for a space to open up. I mean, seriously people. I will have my shopping completely finished by the time you find a space so that you can save yourself 50 yards of walking. Awesome rationale!

Then I started thinking, this is one of the many, many reason foreigners hate us. We are too lazy to walk an extra 50 yards when all over Europe people walk from their homes to the metro/tube/underground and then to work or to do their grocery shopping, etc. That's miles and miles every day. We don't walk anywhere. We are inconvenienced when we have to walk from one side of the Abilene mall to the other to get to where we parked our cars. In short, we are lazy asses.

Then we sit around and listen to theories and studies, we read pamphlets and magazine articles on why America is the most obese country by far, and somehow we still wonder why. I can't fathom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to mention every time I'm in Wal-mart, when I'm checking out I just happen to be behind the 300 pound white trash mother with her 15 screaming cracker-spawn whose WIC card won't work.

Wal-Mart must be destroyed.