Here are the kids I worked with this summer at Kids of the Kingdom. This is the best they behaved all summer. I do kind of miss them though....
Several of the crazy boys. I have no doubt that they were plotting an attack against the counselors.
Victoria and Olivia.
Gypsy Tea Room.
Ashley and me at the Rachael Yamagata concert. Yes, I realize I look high. I can assure you I was not.
Rachael at the Rachael Yamagata concert...awesome!
Most awesomest! (Yes, you read that right...most awesomest.)
After the concert at the Velvet Hookah for Kim's going away party.
Kim and Kris hesitantly smile for the camera.
Hanging out at Grant's apartment:
Danielle and I were camera-happy.
Did you know I like the Rangers? I bet you didn't.
Amber and Nathan's wedding...good times way out in Mt.Pleasant-middle-of-nowhere.
Carrie and I were forced to take this photo by Amber's father. I think we look pretty happy, considering...
Great pictures! I didn't know Kim colored her hair.! Have a great weekend, M!
Great pictures, Justin Wiener (you remember him right?) anyway he went to the gypsi tea room and got some awesome pics of Billy Corgan.
anyway, I decided I like deep elum, despite getting the **** beat out of you when trying to stay close to the stage and the ever present smog of cigarette smoke, it's great.
Nice pictures and thanks for the email it was nice to hear from you again.
matt gierhart
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