This is my family and me at my Grandmother's house for Thanksgiving. You can tell by the look in my eyes that all I really want to do is to sneak out of the picture and go steal a piece of pumpkin pie from the kitchen.
My brothers, Miles and Mason, and me. I know, none of us look alike, but I swear we are from the same family. That, or our parents are keeping some mighty big secrets. Hey, wait a minute.
Miles and me. We decided that in order to maintain a "hardcore" status, one must never smile in photographs. We made a pact that we will never smile in pictures again. No, not really.
This is a photograph of my Grandmother, my cousin Jordan, my brothers and me. This is the formation we usually sit in to watch the big football game after a nice Thanksgiving dinner. We sit like this while we watch so that if at any time someone takes a picture of us, we will always be prepared...or at least look prepared.
My Dad and me. Isn't he the cutest Dad in the world? I bought the hat that he has on while I was in Paris. For the first few months he refused to wear it because he didn't want people to think he supports the French. Yep, that's my Dad! Gotta love him!
Who could forget this part of my family? Dakota told me not to smile in this picture. She likes to pose vogue for all of her photo shoots. My dog is such a diva!
And here are my two roommates, Danielle and Kim, the night we let loose on a kareoke machine. Watch out, when we get together we're crazy. When we get together with a kareoke machine we're...well...just plain crazy!
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