Thursday, October 13, 2005

It's that time of year again...

my favorite time of the year...fall. I love fall. I love having to carry a sweater with me. I love sleeping with the windows open and waking up snuggled beneath my down comforter. I love feeling the crunch of fallen leaves under my shoes. In short, I love fall.

I know it's fall when SING and Homecoming at HSU rolls around. This weekend is Homecoming and tomorrow night I am going to SING with my family. This is the first time since 2000 that I have had absolutely nothing to do with SING. I no longer have to make sure everything is going right back stage. I don't have to worry about the cast knowing their lines. I don't have to work with David for hours on end to make sure the script is going to work. I don't have to be nervous as the curtains rise on opening night, which is tonight. I have somehow escaped the realm of SING, and I am so thankful for that fact. Life has been a little more stress-free than it was during this time last year, so...yay!

Speaking of this time last year, my blog celebrated it's first year in existence at the end of September. It's kind of entertaining to look back and see what all was going on in my life at that time. It makes me thankful for the people that are in my life now, and I can see how God has worked in my life during the past year, which is always good to reflect on.

So, other than Homecoming, nothing big is going on. I am working on my thesis, which I need to kick into high gear. I am currently having a love affair with my Powerbook, which I adore. I thought in getting the PB I would spend quite a bit of time working on my thesis, but instead I have just been adding a lot of music, writing obscure things for fun (not work), and talking to friends online. It's no good. I must focus.

Okay, well...I better get back to work. I hope all of you have a fabulous weekend!

Oh, and the "Filthy Lexicon" says, "Where's my Mickey Mouse shirt, b?!"


Anonymous said...

Your mom is a Filthy Lexicon... ask her where your Mickey Mouse shirt is....

Jeans said...

It's great to hear you are doing well! Sarah and I moved, so you need to come see our new house.