Saturday, October 29, 2005

Johnny Panic comes to town...

So, I thought I better post something so Tee Cake will stop bothering me. Sheesh.

Let's see...there's really nothing of any importance to note.

I am looking for a job in the Metroplex, and I am excited about several potential leads at different companies that I am interested in. I do not know when I want to move though, so I have a few things to figure out. I can't approach this all "willy-nilly"...or whatever.

I think I have OD'd on Sylvia Plath. I read a short story called "Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams" yesterday, and in talking to my mother about it I was like, "I wish I could get into her mind just for a second...just to see what the hell she is even talking about." My mom was like, " long as you don't stick your head in an oven." Oh, are so funny! Anyway, in going back over it I have decided that...maybe, to really understand where she is coming from, you have to get to that breaking point. Right now, I am not willing to ride that mental roller coaster with Syl, so I am going to try to approach the story from the angle that will work best for my thesis...wrangle up whatever I can from what I am working with...and move on. Dwelling on her work is detrimental to the soul. That's what I have discovered this week.

Have I mentioned that I want out of school and out of Abilene in a bad way? Well, I do.

At this point, I think I would even take a Greyhound bus ticket. Now, that's desperate people!

This week brings quite a bit of school work. I need to finish two presentations and two papers. However, I am rewarding myself with a trip to Ft. Worth at the end of the week. Emily has a wedding shower and, of course, Katy needs a visit from Ashley and me.

Focusing on light at the end of the tunnel...
and I'm out.

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