Sunday, October 09, 2005

In cleaning my room...

a letter that I wrote in 6th grade fell out of an old book. Apparently I wrote it to my "boyfriend" and never gave it to him. Oh, middle school.

BJ (annoying little squiggly marks)
Hey! That test really wasn't that hard in history. I forgot to study last night. DUH! (Yes, "duh" is in all caps with an exclamation point.) Do you know Sonya Marean? She says you're a pain in the butt! (Oh, I remember when I used to say butt.) She says you call her names! (Melia, calm down with the exclamation points.) You don't do you? Don't be a jerk. (That makes me laugh.) Speaking of jerks, I have Dru Willis this period! Mrs. McKeever always gets on to him. I don't blame her! He's a little, ugly, squid! ( did I live without using expletives? Oh, that's right. I called people "squids", apparently.) I'm sorry you have math next period. It would be fun if I was in there with you! (I must have really loved this boy to have wanted to be in math with him...thinking it would be "fun". I hate math.)
Melia (with another squiggly mark and a badly drawn appears-to-be daisy)
p.s. Call me tonight. No, I won't be home. I'll call you but I can only talk for a few minutes!
p.p.s. I can't believe you made me watch Arachnophobia. It was stupid. (To this day, I am sticking to my guns on that one.)


wildlawman said...

Crackin' me up...seriously! I remember those days! DUH! Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

I can still remember when you talked like that. I may even have a few of those letters from your not quite so didactic days.