And within two weeks, they had established...Bear City.
Bear City, Bear, Bear City....
Although they couldn't talk, they went about their lives just like man had done.
The only humans left in Bear City were two brave children. And they were quickly eaten. By bears.
Thanks for visiting Bear City.
Now, my question is...if one was living in Bear City and they, by chance, had a Rosa's Tortilla Factory, would they have honey humans at every table?!
live it up my friend... live it up!
i'll see you in bear city!
In Bear City...
Would Smokey the Bear be Smokey the Human?
Would they have humans in cages at the zoo? Or would the humans be at Buffet City in between the semi-fresh salmon and the deep fried catfish?
I think the human-rights activists would be very upset about this.
Yes, they would have honey humans at every table.
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