At first I was distraught over my syllabi. Two exams, one presentation, and several papers were staring back at me, taunting me, saying, "Melia, there are only 24 hours in a day. You will never get caught up. You have been lazy this semester. You could fail. You will be a grad school drop out." I yelled back, "Shut up stupid syllabi!", and because I was so discouraged I could only think of lame rebuttals. I chose the first one that came to mind, "Your mom could fail!"
I probably cried for an hour, at least, when I realized how long McTeague is. Frank Norris has it out for me and my Spring Break. Over 240 pages of Naturalism; now doesn't that sound appealing? I cried some more.
I was already upset and feeling dramatic, so I began reciting one of Helena's monologues from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream..."O spite! O hell! I see you all are bent!" I think it really adds to the dramatic effect if you place your hand strategically across your forehead like this. Try it out for yourself.
I was so wrapped up in the delivery of Helena's monologue that I got sidetracked. Upon realizing why I was upset in the first place, I began crying again. This time I made up my own monologue..."O Thompson! O Brunner! I see you all are out to make my Spring Break suck!" I looked over to McTeague sitting on my desk. I open the cover. My bookmark is on page 82. A flood of tears overtook me.
"Okay", I said, "Let's get practical." I began thinking of all of my possible options. I could break down the remaining pages of McTeague and divide them by how many days remain in the break; that way it wouldn't seem so overwhelming. I could write down achievable goals for each day, i.e. make outline for 17th Century Lit. exam, read over notes from American novel for upcoming exam, etc. Or I could forget about all of this and go out for a cheeseburger with Ashley.
I didn't think making a decision would be so difficult. I don't like having all of this unfinished work hanging over my head. I am really torn. Staying in and reading 200 pages of sheer, utter boredom, or going out...boredom or freedom? Whatever shall I do?!
I thought about it...weighed my options...and made a final decision. This entire process occurred in less than 3 seconds.
Cheeseburgers it is! Maybe if I pretend that I never saw all I have to do, I won't feel so guilty blowing it off. If it's true that what we don't know can't hurt us, and ignorance is bliss...maybe by not doing my school work I will not be affected in any negative way, maybe I will even be happier! I like this line of reasoning.
Now...on to more important decisions. Where should we go for our burger?!
1 comment:
I don't know which is a better abdominal workout:
1) 75 crunches done under 90 lbs of resistance, compliments of a machine at Gold's gym
2) 30 seconds of reading your blog concerning homework, cheeseburgers, and a sequence of "confused melia" photos
if there were a fitness Q&A on the SAT, that would definitely be a question.
so put that in your back pocket
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