Thursday, October 09, 2008

Independence is overrated...

He never minded living alone, but the pain in his shoulder was a constant reminder of absent hands.


Unknown said...

i think this came about from the conversation we were having the other night.

still undecided on the final conclusion, independence/dependence, that is the question.


biweekly...$2500. your poor shoulder knot. i am sorry to hear about your stressful day... i don't think i could've heard about it if i was standing. good thing i had the egg. next time start swinging.


this last week sucked huh?! Maybe you can take some time and relax this weekend. Hope it's a good one and you can enjoy all things good...Fall, friends, pancakes, dancing, movies, and Thankenstein. You're awesome...Take it easy:)

Carrie and Jay said...

On "caves of one's chest" (TM), I was thinking more along the lines of a 1% royalty. So when I sell it to Ploughshares for $50 a page, you get 50 cents. And when I sell it to The Texas Review for copies of the magazine, you get the outside cover.