Play-Doh Cologne Spray
Eau de Play-Doh?!
In my head, it would go a little something like this:
(Elevator in a high-rise office building)
Doors open. Man enters. Stands next to woman.
Awkward silence.
Woman: Why, what is that whimsical scent?! It's...reminiscent of my...childhood.
Man: It sparked a memory for you, eh?! Good...good. Yeah, it's just this new Play-Doh Cologne. Brings back all of those fresh-from-the-can, full-of-potential childhood memories! Pretty awesome, huh?!
Doors open. Woman exits.
Woman (mumbling): Um, yeah...pretty...awesome.
And I had several other conversational scenarios in my head, but really...the end result was always confusion, curiosity, and even disbelief. Because...why?! Why would anyone choose to smell like a can of Play-Doh? Sure. I love Play-Doh and when you take off the lid there are memories associated with its very distinctive smell. But I also love the smells of the following items, though I would not want to smell like them (including but not limited to, and in no particular order): leather, puppy breath, Mr. Bubble Bubble Bath, cookies, gardenias, old/new books, rubber cement, garlic, new car, bananas, babies, crayons, rain, pie (pumpkin or otherwise), autumn. So, the point is...just because you love how something smells and the fact that it evokes memories of yesteryear does not in any way mean that you need to purchase that smell in liquid form and dab it on your pressure points. You can (and probably should) love these smells from a distance...have your nostalgic moment...and leave it at that. A moment. Not an all-day experience for anyone that comes within a 10-foot radius of you.
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