Trevor later regretted ever asking me to duel with him. He had no idea I had been formally trained in fencing from a young age. He lost a hand, but he has since replaced it with a top quality sterling silver hook. Who knew James Avery was also into the hook making business? I thought he only made religious jewelry. Oh, we know.
This was taken at Campisi's downtown. Delicious Italian food, great ambiance, mafia waiters...awesome.
Trevor. I think he was contemplating the drink menu. Decisions...decisions.
Posing with Kim's cigar. It seems like there should be a deck of cards on the table in front of me, or stacks of money, or...something.
The "community" drink. Good times.
Me taking a swim in the community...drink? I basically could have.
Kim entertains with nothing but a lemon peel and a knife. She is like the MacGyver of clowns.
Party at Ashley's.
Crazy Shannon with the orange hair brought the musket. We always like to have one on hand at a party.
Ashley was unsure about having a musket in her house. Cliff seemed alright with it.
I too was hesitant about being so close to a crazy girl and a musket, but Cara reminded me that it is Shannon's Constitutional right to "bear arms", and who am I to rob her of her freedom?
I am not sure what is happening here. I, as an advocate of peace, am flashing the peace sign...or something, and apparently Cliff is almost licking my ear. Riddle me this.
When someone tells me to rock, I rock.
Okay, so these are a few vignettes from my life. As always, more to come.
So I suppose I need to send you the rest of those pictures, don't I? Anywho, it's about time!! And, oh yeah, THE HOOK'S COMIN' TO GET YA!...or something.
Mafia! there's an "a" in it haha, that's my one in a million chance to ever correct you. Those are awesome pictures though. That'd be cool if you were decked out in a gangster type suit while smoking the cigar. I can imagine you with one of those old style dress hats, pinstriped pants and suspenders puffing away.
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