Sunday, January 16, 2005

I want someone to join me in the foxhole...

If you haven't seen "In Good Company", the title of this entry will make no sense to you. If you have seen it, you may second the desire to find the person that is going to be in the foxhole beside you. If you second this "emotion", give me a "here, here."

Last night I went to see "In Good Company" with Eric, and I think it is one of the most brilliant/honest movies I have ever seen. The acting is really raw and real, therefore anyone can understand where the characters are coming from. There is no fluff, no icky sweetness, just life. This is what I, as a moviegoer, want to see more of. How many times a day are things sugarcoated for us in the real world? How often does everything go our way? Hardly ever. Movies don't have to meet all of our expectations. It's sometimes nice if they do, but if it's real it's human and we relate on a true level. To the directors that dare to be raw, real, and in your face...kudos. Continue doing whatever it is you do.

This weekend has been nice. I was supposed to go to Dallas to see April G. in concert, but that didn't pan out and, though I was disappointed at first, it ended up being just what I needed. Friday night I went to dinner with several friends at Texas Roadhouse and then went shopping for myself. I typically never spend money on things I don't really, really need, but I had been wanting to watch a certain movie all week after seeing 20 minutes of it on HBO Family during my lunch break, so I went on a mission to Hastings and immediately bought it. You may be asking, what movie? You will probably laugh. I bought the classic musical "Victor, Victoria" on DVD. I grew up watching Julie Andrews movies, and this used to be one of my favorites. I haven't seen it in about 10 years, but after watching it I love it just as much, if not more. I came home and began watching it, but then made the mistake of laying down under a quilt, which I know never works for me. Within 10 minutes I was asleep. It was only 9:15. It felt great and I finished the movie the next day. I hope Julie and James Garner were not offended by my dozing off.

Yesterday I went to my brother's basketball game at 8:30am. I will never understand why children are forced to play that early on a Saturday morning. On top of that, I am not sure why parents do not revolt. They're always on Saturday me that is synonymous with sleep. Later in the afternoon I went over to Rachel's for a few hours and we just sat in her livingroom and talked over drinks from Sonic. I am thinking of joining her Thursday night accountability group, which would be incredible. It's a hodge-podge group of girls from different churches and schools, etc. I think solidarity in that way is extremely important. After leaving Rach's I went to see "In Good Company", which I have already recommended to all of you. Eric and I really enjoyed it and it gave us several ideas to bat around after dinner. If any of you know me, you know I cannot cook. I have always told my mom that if you hold out, you can find men that will cook for you. I am batting three for three right now. Chris used to cook me incredible, extravagant dinners. Grant cooked for me this summer. Last night, Eric made me a wonderful dinner of cheese tortellini and a glass of white wine. Mark my words readers: I will marry someone that cooks for me. Some of you girls may be saying, yeah right...good want it all. In response to that I say, set high goals for yourself and don't settle for less. If a guy says he will make you dinner, you are in a terrific position. Offer to set the table or clean the dishes, but let him do the cooking. It's wonderful to sit there with your hands on your lap and see how role reversals (in small but substantial ways) can make your life easier. It's a beautiful sight.

Today I went to church and came home to wrap up the editing on several articles. Tonight a few friends are coming over. I am excited that we (students at HSU) finally have Martin Luther King, Jr. Day off! Tomorrow will be spent like the last few days, relaxing and gearing up for Tuesday when we have to jump back into school full-force.

Currently listening to: John Mayer's "Love Song for No One"

Staying home alone on a Friday,
flat on the floor looking back
on old love
or lack thereof.
After all the crushes are faded,
and all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded. I hate it.

I'm tired of being alone,
so hurry up and get here.
So tired of being alone,
so hurry up and get here, get here.

Searching all my days just to find you,
I'm not sure who I'm looking for.
I'll know it,
when I see you.
Until then, I'll hide in my bedroom.
Staying up all night just to write
a love song for no one.

I'm tired of being alone,
so hurry up and get here.
I'm so tired of being alone,
so hurry up and get here.
You'll be so good.
You'll be so good for me.

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